Many factors influence mood and behavior. These include diet, exercise, sleep, and supplements. The addition of appropriate supplements can even reduce violent behavior in prisons (Science 2009 pgs 1614-1616 v325, The British Journal of Psychiatry (2002) 181: 22-28).
Supplements with probable efficacy in various psychiatric disorders include:
Long-chain Omega-3 fatty acids (fish oil)
Among the most most broadly efficacious supplements are long-chain Omega-3 fatty acids which can improve cognition, augment the benefits of antidepressants, and reduce inflammation. The latter effect may even contribute to the prevention of some cancers.
N-Acetyl Cysteine may have a role in augmenting the treatment of bipolar disorder, tricotillomania, pathological gambling, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), cocaine addiction as well as a long established role in limiting liver damage from acetaminophen toxicity.
Vitamin D can have anti-depressant effects as well as protecting against viral infections, tuberculosis, multiple sclerosis, and numerous other disorders. More…
Probiotics may play a role in behavior and obesity. The evidence derives from experiments in mice but the effects were significant.
Iron can augment the function of stimulants. The lower bounds of normal for serum ferritin may not be sufficient for optimum dopamine function.
Acetyl-L-Carnitine can reduce the accumulation of ammonia that may result from the use of Depakote and may have a role in modulating mitochondrial function in bipolar disorder. More…
L-methlyfolate may augment the treatment of depression. More…